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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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hello i'm john harwood in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture could americans begin trusting our government again over the course of president obama's second term in office that and more in the night's big picture inauguration and also later in the show we'll have a your take my take live segment your chance to call in and ask a question or make a comment live on the air with the entire panel tonight and tonight's daily take four years ago tonight congressional republicans met at one of washington's top restaurants to plot their efforts to sabotage the obama presidency what are
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congressional republicans up to on the night of president obama's second inauguration. you need to know this president obama was sworn in today in front of a million people on the washington mall is the first president since eisenhower to win more than fifty one percent of the vote twice and today he signaled a major political shift in america first here's what ronald reagan said about government in his inaugural we don't have a so ok well i'll just tell you. came out in his first inaugural address and he said government is not the solution of the problem government is the problem and that was a major is shit. from the notion that was that on which this country was founded when when thomas jefferson and his compatriots when he and and george mason and
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john adams the two of them along with ben franklin edited the declaration of independence and then we was forty three people signed it every one of them the moment that they signed it became traitors to great britain and were doing and the declaration was that they would be hung until dead every single one of them these men fought in a revolutionary war at least many of them fought revolutionary war about a third of them watched everything they had as a consequence of that revolution and they did it because they believed in a nation of by and for the people and an active government that could actually produce happiness the declaration of independence uses the word of happiness the first time in the history of civilization that that word had been used in a founding document. dolly madison ran into the burning white house are about to be actually was the day before it was burned in the war of eight hundred twelve is as big as the with the british and the canadians were coming in to save the the
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painting of george washington her husband john met james madison the president had gone off to leave the troops against the british these people believed in government abraham lincoln fought to hold together our union he believed in government before the ard aren't won our nation's bloodiest wars at a per capita basis our bloodiest war to hold together a government of by and for the people to paraphrase lincoln paraphrasing the constitution white eisenhower as the general working for franklin delano roosevelt fought hitler in europe to defend our government this whole conservative little government led a government is a terrible thing governments a bad thing well you know you've got a choice. you've got you've got these people saying ah you know do you really want a government telling you where you can get your healthcare from but what's the alternative steven j. hemsley the billionaire who's the c.e.o. of united healthcare that's really what it comes down to this whole little
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government thing and it's got to make government smaller the flipside of that is that means we're going to make business bigger we're going to make the billionaires bigger we're going to make them more intrusive we're going to reagan in one thousand nine hundred two stopped in force in the sherman antitrust act and it's seven errors over the years and what was the result of that we now have every major industry in america controlled by five or fewer companies and that's that you know out of twenty major industries in the united states whether it's food whether it's medicine whether it's ospital ization whether it's telecommunications you name it we've become a monopoly world because little government this was reagan's ideology and now they want the billionaires this this ideology to administer our social security our health care we're selling off you know john case in ohio selling off the roads to them to billionaires from france and australia you had a democratic mayor and in chicago mary daly selling off the parking meters to
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foreign companies i mean this is not the idea that ben franklin and thomas jefferson were were had in mind when they put together the declaration of independence so in regard we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce schools and colleges to train our workers. together we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play together we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. for the american people could no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than american soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias you know.
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christer of christa freeland in her new book plutocrats has identified three periods in american history when we won average when we left behind what the founders had defined as the purpose of government the united states the first started in the eight hundred eighty s. largely with the grattan ministration small government have government do very very little let the plutocrats do whatever they want it produced the longest depression in the history of the united states it devastated this country as referred to as the gilded age and also created a bunch of billionaires the second was in one thousand twenty two and warren harding ran for president on the slogan of less government and business more business and government kicked off the roaring twenty's harding coolidge and hoover and then you know it all blew up in one thousand nine hundred ninety because it predictably always does blow up when you have a market that's not regulated and then the third was when ronald reagan was inaugurated in his first inaugural address declared that he was going to repeat the
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mistake that have been made by grant and by a hearty areas. government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem. from time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by so. that government by an elite group is superior to government for by. and of the people. but the founders actually believed that the first president to sign into law legislation providing for the government to care for the poor to feed them to give them medical care to give them housing was george washington. in any case republicans knew when president obama today said you know markets need to be regulated they knew what he meant he was repudiating the reagan revolution and it really was a regular revolution charles krauthammer with whom i almost always disagree said
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something absolutely brilliant today on fox news with which i totally agree areas. this was really obama. and i think what's most interesting is that obama basically used to clearly end of reaganism in the speech remember he once said that ronald reagan was he started to lead consequential in a way that bill clinton was not and what obama made it through that obama had changed the audio logical course of the country in one thousand nine hundred eighty one and it is you're not you address within two minutes reagan had to clear the government is not the solution government is the problem today's inaugural address was a rebuke to that entire idea this speech today was an ode to big government it was a it was it was in fact krauthammer goes on to say it was a hymn to big government and if you're defining big government as a government that actually works for the people i agree so the question is this
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a turning point as the obama presidency become like the reagan revolution like the f.d.r. revolution like the herbert hoover revolution like the teddy roosevelt revolution like the the u.s. great ulysses s. grant revolution like the lincoln revolution like the election of one thousand nine hundred which the or with the revolution of eight hundred the jefferson revolution has it become one of those major political turning points in american politics let's open this whole thing up to the big picture and moderation panel joining me are marc harrold libertarian commentator and author neil mccabe senior writer for human events online and sam sex progressive commentator and author over truth or guys welcome to the program so you know i think i've made myself really clear role of. just curious mark you're the the libertarian in the bunch you're brought your arguably the most opposite my my world view of the role of government
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in this do you think that obama really today changed the course of america or be. again the process of changing the course of america from the reagan revolution do you agree with my and krauthammer is analysis that reagan actually flipped america and could this be the flip back i agree with you and. this was a good day for the president if only i don't agree with very anything really that you just said i don't agree with it all very little except the civil rights for homosexuals in his speech today i agree with almost nothing the president said is this which in time it absolutely is president obama and i will give anybody who has an idiology is honest about thirty jala g. and puts it out there for people to judge i'll give them credit every time whether that's ron paul or ronald reagan i think president obama as much as i disagree with him took a large step to being truly a leader in this context where he put it out there and anyone who agrees the way that i do with libertarians do it rand paul does or believes the g.o.p. needs to change their now fully put on notice you are fully on notice that this is
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the world view of this president he is going to try to implement these things and now we have to have that discourse and try to stop that to the degree we can through the political process i agree with very little i think this was a good day for the president i agree with what you said i think this is a switch in time he's put the country on notice that he's own this ideology this is where he's going and now he opens it up to have these debates obama is now openly the who the liberal i use not yet a socialist is that when i vote i thought it was a very reckless speech i thought it was very well politically it's very reckless it goes against the trend in presidential politics. and since reagan no i mean upright traditionally presidents be have to govern from the middle and as their terms progress they become more moderate they actually become sort of that way centrist guy nine hundred fifty six in his reelection campaign short white eisenhower bragged about how he had three and a half million people to social security how one point seven five million people have got union this year and conservative president complained this is graduating
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himself for being socialist that's right so that's my point you move towards the middle so eisenhower. who had been the conservative didn't run as a conservative he ran as a peace candidate what are you saying man against the war and in korea this speech this speech was not about unity this speech was not pulling together this speech was basically throwing down the gauntlet to those to the forty nine percent of americans who did not vote for him i think i think we're really going to see a lot of dissension we're going to see a lot of acrimony and it's going to be a continuation of what we've had for the previous four years as this evacuation is or i think people are more likely to forget about the speech than have all this acrimony toward i think the whole basis of the speech was coming together he kept saying we the people we the people we the people but i'm a little bit more cynical than you tell him i've seen or heard these speeches before kind of talking like a progressive it depends what his actions are going to be over the next few months and whether and whether he can get them through congress something that's that's
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been through congress yeah or or fight in fact the democratic are of branches of government which is controlled by the small d. democratic which you're absolutely right to get more of tonight's big picture inauguration better after the break. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot like you. are you know what kind of self you want to give us a to defeat terrorism a liberal chris. who is really going to.
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look at you distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells us and facials that garbage he calls it breaking news i'm. me martin and we're going to break that. mission in three couldn't take three. more chargers free arrangement free. free. free. free blank g'slinn video for your media projects a free media gone to our teeth on tom. i.
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am. sorry about that i was big picture inauguration panel joining me tonight are mark errol nail mccabe and sam sachs let's get back to it here's what the president this week society a new take on government. here's what reagan had to say about government and individual liberty in his second inaugural we played a clip from his first novel just among. government the people said it was not our
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master it is our servant it's only power that which we the people allow it to have. that system has never failed us. but for a time we failed the system. we asked things of government that government was not equipped to give one thousand nine hundred eighty we knew it was time to read a new our faith to strive with all our strength toward the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with an orderly society so that basically reagan saying throw out the government bring in the individual freedom now here's obama talking about what some would say is the reverse certainly mark would and probably neal the we society. together we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce schools and colleges to train our workers. together we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play
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together we were resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable and protect its people from wife's worst hazards and misfortune preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. for the american people could no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than american soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias ok so basically are we looking at a new social contract here's what the president had to say about economic opportunity and social welfare programs kind of piggybacking on what he just said. we do not believe that in this country freedom is reserved for the lucky or happiness for the few we recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives. anyone of us at any time may face a job loss or a sudden illness or
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a home swept away in a terrible storm. the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security these things do not sap our initiative they strengthen us. and the and they do not make us a nation of takers they free us to take the risks that make this country great. is it time to rethink the social contract in america and what might that new social contract look like under president obama sam your thoughts i think i think it's pretty clear that whatever social contract we've had is disintegrating i mean the social contract we were kind of going off was the one that came out of world war two this idea that we can build a middle class through strong unions through strong social safety net that social that social contract or social threat eisenhower's you know roosevelt's i think sours nixon was. l.b.j. you know made a strong with great society and that's been under attack for the last thirty years
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to where it doesn't exist anymore people are you know this is kind of the subject of the president's speech is a lot of people feel like they don't have a raw deal this was elizabeth warren's speech the game is rigged against you so we do need some sort of social contract whether or not the president is the one who's going to create that over the next four years is the big question especially with the republicans in congress and and whether or not he's willing to be that i mean personally i think we need some very progressive socialist solutions to get this economy back on track and i don't know if he's going to be the guy who can really make that happen so neil what it seems that what we have seen is the failure of the reagan social contract which you know the unraveling value was the reagan revolution to actually cut back the spending and cut back the bureaucracy but it seems spending bureaucracies are really nice nice absentees causing us to be social but rather the average working person they've seen since since reagan came into office they've seen their wages flat while billionaires have seen a two hundred seventy five percent increase in their wages the problem with
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spending is not just the piling up of the debt that is unmatched by revenues. the problem with that because they're going to x.p. space. revenues doubled under reagan they spending tripled and the democrats controlled spent and he cut taxes and cut the top and why does that revenue is double time because the government got bigger because the economy grew because inflation was so it's ok so why was a large part of it actually was inflation or deflation it was when reagan came into office it was like two. twelve thirteen percent of the the my point is that these spending programs use inflation adjusted numbers and didn't always about defense spending to me what sort of spending were terrible but in any case you were it was spending the budget the the the social programs actually damage the people that they're designed to help and that we've been dumping billions of dollars into our inner cities and it and these people haven't moved it hasn't moved the needle and increasing their quality of life so we have i'm going to billions of dollars on yourself and all your solar wind pork and it hasn't created new industries that it
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was promised to create or. the free market which is you know your small government actually small government works get the government out of the way get it off the backs of their scheme and stop making them winners and losers very little into our solar power projects in the grand scheme of things let's put that out there for once but enough of the kaiser family and all the others i mean it's like people have made millions and billions of dollars off these are how many tens of billions of dollars are we spending every year on oil subsidies for there are no oil subsidies cept they're the same business deductions that other businesses i don't get a girl there are no allowance. you get the i don't hard to say you know as as as sam is working i'm burning up salmon so i get to do you not taxed on revenues your tax dollar you income tax deduction for my profits for sam's depletion as he's getting older i'm all for simpler simplifying the tax code but the fact is you're not unless you're in the medical device business you're not taxed on revenues you're taxed on income to each other and each industry or profit rather in each industry
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has its own calculations for coming up with what that income or profit is so you know they just take what's what's the margin with some larger profit margin and so on the nine percent were in the weeds here so again. let me let me get mark into this what. what is the vision i have has has there ever been a time in the united states or in any other country in the world where getting government. completely out of the way and doing a free market based solutions. way of running things has succeeded absolutely free no but deregulation the age where the only superpower left why are we the only superpower left after reagan then before reagan his heart on that didn't work that's exactly right communism doesn't it i'm not advocating i mean i don't understand but the bottom line here is that today's speech by president obama laid looks at the constitution and kind of disregards and says what can government do what problems can solve government is not there to solve problems government government is not there at its core to help people government is there to play its
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limited roles you should ask what the government can do what you like is what the government should do what why what is a positive word we have to rise and what exploration of independent evidence to show here why is the constitution twice talking about the general welfare absolutely general welfare and happiness is when the government leaves markets alone when it leaves people when you're trying to guarantee happiness and the heirs the other thing when the government seeks happiness for people what does it have to do the government has to define what it means to be happy any time the government gets involved in trying to create an outcome it has it so tell me this how is the government going to find a happy but it's not just you know when people are happy either there's certain governments experiencing with experimenting with their right now i mean i think ultimately that's going to be our future out of this obsession with g.d.p. and economic numbers as this idea on how we can have people living more comfortable happier better lives better work life balance better health care better social mobility better education those sort of things and you can actually quantify that sort of stuff when you're taking polls of the population and figuring out how much i think we've achieved that goal with all the government workers and the and they've basically you know we've been in this terrible economic mess for what five
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years now and firefighters who are the terrible guy that teachers all the hacks at the department of agriculture all the hacks all that hydrazine specially our food exactly exactly the hacker i am a good we should have safe food i mean it wasn't a are you going to get on it you're telling me that everybody there is as many businesses and you know what it is there's these faceless evil bureaucrats and let's face it they're not all evil. right but the bass over there where you people you were after you corporate america that's where to find a dictatorship or die but the decisions they make in the private sector is there's an enormous and you could eliminate it you could eliminate the department of agriculture and farmers would exist you could eliminate you know the you know the railroad commissions and railroads would exist you know they were fishermen before the government was involved in fishery and the products that they're delivering to consumers who would kill them who was trying to kill them the point is we have we have one of the lowest i don't know your mother why would you kill your cousin i don't know if it's a really good question during during the george herbert walker bush administration
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there was a company manufactured hot dogs and they turned off their inspector their sanibel inspector machine because it was beeping turns out there was burns up in the rafters pooping down into the they could they couldn't figure is a just turn it off so well that sounds like human error doesn't sound like they want to hire people died across the country into a year for the c.d.c. to do genetic testing to track back where those hot dogs were made and then because this company made huge contributions to the bush administration the bush administration kind of a complete pass on the thing in fact issued a joint press release saying everything's fine but the dead people were still dead . you know this is this is this is what happens when people who think government should be small and shouldn't be if i don't think that that's a terrible human tragedy but done by humans and that could still go on tomorrow this is what the same problem could happen tomorrow to no matter how many facts are working for the f.d.a. but to bring this back to the problem is social mobility in america one of the
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lowest rates of social mobility in the developed world here in the united states and that's kind of what the american dream is founded on this idea that people who were born poor can become in the middle class or should come wealthy so that's obviously not working we have more people in poverty in that in recorded memory here at least and at the same time we have tax rates lower than they've ever been on corporations and on extremely wealthy people we have regulations numbers are few and far between ok they were lower than under reagan butt. least you know they've never you lation is few and far between we're living in this society where we should have higher economic mobility if we were to your ideology but it doesn't exist regulations few and far between i take a little issue with that i don't think our regulations are few and far between we have if you look at c.f.r. a grows exponentially all the time people read stuff to it and they do or don't put it out for public comment i mean it grows like health care bill and twenty seven hundred pages that nobody already has massively regulated compared to prior to we just added the doj frank rose agency which just does what it was some paired with
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what was dropped out by by phil gramm with the commodities futures modernization tony aveling john i rank is nothing in a good government regulations like kudzu it just grows i mean if you could see it in time it just they just pile up i mean is this all history of morals a lot of wall street is very happy with god praying so to think of this is some crazy government takeover of our financial so yes it is on absolutely if the government takeover the eventual sells and so are you guys are too big to fail banks are bigger now just let me get this let me get this straight mark are you actually suggesting that if government just got out of the way and we went back to the way things were were ninety five that all of a sudden people would have good union jobs good solid salaries they'd be able to retire at a reasonable age and have a good pension and be able to raise an entire family on one person's income like they could during the forty's fifty's sixty's seventy's and early eighty's during those very liberal republican and democratic administrations ok i believe that they would i think it would advance would advance immediately no bottom line to it
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you're talking about economic freedom you're talking about the government when the government gets involved people are less free so those markets camera we have no idea what exactly was happening was this which is the people for the living room and they are even men who are going to hire good people who want to unionize when you pay taxes when you're forced to do something you're forced to do something in a marketplace you're less free if every tax dollar is a day you work for the government i think that we can agree are sam stick around coming up the phone. and so now open for our your take my take live segment so if you want to chance to ask a question any of us on the panel here give us a call at two zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four there will be talking to you afterwards. download the official publication to your cell phone choose your language stream
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